Fintech Expert | Full stack developer

Hi, I'mBrajkishor Pandey

FinTech Expert | Full Stack Developer | E-Commerce

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SEO should know every fronted developer

  1. 1. Must be available Meta key & Meta Description on every page between <head></head> tags.
  2. 2. robot.txt should be available and should knowledge about “robot.txt”. You can allow or disallow any serach engine crawling.
  3. Sitemap.xml must be available in root directory.
  4. You should have knowledge about “.htaccess” file. URL rewrite should be enable and URL should be search engine friendly.
  5. Approve owner of website on Google.
  6. Website should be responsive.
  7. Social media sharing button should be available in article or blog.
  8. Websites should be using CSS rather than a table structure. This allows for improved ordering of content elements on the page.
  9. Limit the usage of H tags (H1, H2, H3, etc) and <strong> tags to non-repetitive content. That means don’t use these HTML tags on site-wide headings, sidebars, footers, or anything that is repeated across the website or multiple pages. Instead, use a regular div. Reserve these tags for unique content on every page.
  10. As much as possible, use machine-readable fonts. An alternative is to use font-replacement such as @font-face. As a last resort, use an image to display text. Place the image in an image tag (rather than using CSS) with alt text that repeats what is written in the image, word-for-word.
  11. Every images should be optimized and every image tags should be “ALT” tags.
  12. A web page should not take more than 3 seconds to load on a 10Mb connection. The front-end coder is not responsible for the entirety of what makes a page fast or slow, but they do have a role to play.
  13. Search engines have trouble reading content that is within <script> tags or that loads dynamically (such as AJAX). Anything that does not come loaded as the page loads will most likely not get picked up by search engines. Do not use dynamically loading content unless it is explicitly stated in the website specification document.
  14. Website should have 301 & 404 redirection error page.
  15. URLs may have a trailing slash “/” at the end. Sometimes they do not. The server should always redirect to one or the other. Ideally, the version with the slash is preferred.
  16. To optimize page load time, various back-end load time cutting techniques should be employed, a long list of which can be found here: Pages should not take more than 3 seconds to load.
  17. JavaScript may help designers to build beautiful websites, but too much use of JavaScript and jQuery in static websites may lead to negative SEO. There are ways to use CSS to do the same work, which you can easily find out. Search engines prefer very limited use of JavaScript by static websites. JavaScript can make it harder for search engine crawlers to crawl the page, which ultimately affects the ranking of the site. For JavaScript frameworks, there are partial solutions to solve this problem.
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